近年来, 组织一直在接受 工作场所的神经多样性. By valuing the unique strengths 和 perspectives of neurodiverse employees, companies can create a more inclusive 和 innovative work environment that 好处 每一个人.  


根据疾病控制与预防中心的数据,只有一个 从每一个 54 U.S. 孩子们 with autism spectrum disorder will need support as they age 和 enter the workforce. Designing inclusive workplace environments 和 reducing sensory overload should be a priority for companies today. 在这篇博文中, we will explore the importance of 工作场所的神经多样性, 它能带来的好处, 和 some practical strategies for creating a more neurodiverse 和 inclusive workplace 文化.  


The term neurodiversity refers to the range of differences people experience in educational settings, 工作场所, 以及社会365买球.


我们 starting to recognize the importance of neurodiversity 和 the potential 好处 individuals with neurodivergent conditions can offer. 根据… 哈佛商业评论文章, it’s estimated that 15-20% of the global population has neurodivergent conditions. 患有神经发散性疾病的个体, 像自闭症, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和阅读障碍, bring unique skills 和 perspectives to the workplace, attention to detail, creativity, 和 problem-solving. A 最近的研究 by I濒死经历 found that job postings with inclusive language about neurodiversity received 182% more clicks 和 generated 43% more hires than job postings without it. 

Provide a diverse selection of areas that cater to different working preferences 和 mitigate distractions in an open setting 

When designing an office with neurodiversity in mind, what should companies think about? 

The best work environment for neurodiverse people is flexible 和 choice based. 有多种方法可以做到这一点.  

Different seating options can make it easier for people with neurodivergent needs to feel comfortable 和 accessible, 就像角落, adding private or semi-private work areas in open offices. Items 如 站在桌子上s 和 exercise balls help maintain focus 和 attention. 

Offer the option to modify the lighting at the desk to suit personal needs

The noise 和 brightness of technology devices can be overwhelming for people with sensory sensitivities. 提供降噪耳机, 可调节照明,减少感官输入, simple instructions on how to use unfamiliar technology components, 和 a variety of communication devices can be helpful for people who process information visually 和 can reduce anxiety. 

Throughout the workspace, clear visual cues 和 signage help individuals navigate space easily. Strive to have a layout that minimizes sensory overload 和 provides clear pathways for movement. 

最后, wellness spaces can allow individuals to regulate their own sensory experiences. They can serve as designated areas for quiet 和 relaxation, as well as for sensory stimulation 和 activity. 

Human diversity is an asset for creating innovative designs that meet the needs of 每一个人. Leaders should promote to designs that cater to the physical, 认知, 和 emotional needs of 每一个人 to create a space that caters to unique abilities 和 needs, fostering a sense of belonging 和 empowerment for all.

Lakshmi Gondi, KGO高级策略师

What are some other areas leaders should consider when creating a neurodiversity-friendly workplace?

There’s no one size fits all – companies should aim for customization, intuitiveness, 和 empathy.  Providing support for neurodivergent people requires underst和ing the full spectrum of environmental conditions. Here are some things you can start doing right away: 

  • Encourage communication 和 collaboration between individuals by providing space for group work 和 social interaction. 
  • Provide behavior norms for specific workspaces to reduce anxiety 和 promote a sense of safety 和 predictability. 
  • Provide opportunities for social activities 和 events, 如 workshops or peer support groups. 
  • Communicate 和 deliver information using multiple modes, 包括视觉和听觉线索, 适应不同的学习方式. 

How can companies support neurodiverse team members 特别是在 偏远和/or 混合工作365买球? 

Supporting neurodiversity requires a strong, positive team 文化 和 a possible shift in mindset. There are a multitude of ways you can support neurodiverse team members. 首先也是最重要的, your organization can provide training on inclusive language 和 behaviors, 所以神经多样性是标准化的, 羞耻感被去除. 如果您的组织是混合型或远程的, implement guidelines that allow 每一个人 to feel included in meetings. These guidelines could include etiquette for when to have cameras on, 减少不必要会议的策略, 甚至考虑到安静的日子. 最后, leaders should cultivate a sense of psychological safety by encouraging 每一个人 to speak up 和 share opinions.  

整体, embracing neurodiversity in the workforce is important not only for creating a more inclusive workplace, but also for unlocking the potential of all employees 和 driving innovation 和 growth.


Consult with one of our strategy 和 consulting experts today to provide organizational training on inclusive language 和 behaviors, 创建并帮助实现指导方针, 和更多的!