The new year presents an opportunity to reflect on your employees’ relationship with the workplace. 作为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分, it’s essential that a workplace is a positive setting where employees are empowered to do their best work. Small changes to furniture, technology, or policies can make a big impact on their experience. To help you strengthen your hybrid work program, we put together a list of 问题 你可以用来反思 on the strength of your company’s hybrid workplace culture and uncover 关键 需要改善的地方. 考虑以下几点:

1. Do your policies, processes, and procedures reflect the diverse working habits of your employees?  

每个员工都有自己独特的工作风格, 同样的道理也适用于组织内的不同团队. While some teams require a lot of collaboration, others may do more focus work.

In fact, it may not be feasible to set universal policies for the entire organization. Get to know your team’s work habits on both the individual and department level. That way, you know what policies and procedures would enable your team to perform their best. You might find that some teams benefit from spending three days a week in the office, 而其他365买球网只要求每季度举行一次面对面会议.  

See how hybrid teams can use technology to coordinate purposeful collaboration in our 采访尼克·约瓦奇尼, KettleOS的首席执行官兼联合创始人. 


2. Do employees have opportunities to connect and strengthen relationships?

Though your team may work from distant places, employees should never feel isolated. When teams share close bonds, they demonstrate greater trust, collaboration and creativity. 在团队成员之间建立友情, 他们需要低风险的机会来相互联系. A simple solution is to increase the frequency and variety of employee engagement activities. 

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when planning opportunities for team-building.

了解KGO如何通过举办年度活动促进更紧密的合作 志愿者的一天.  


  • 作为一个团队在社区做志愿者 
  • 成立一个读书俱乐部 
  • 一起参加在线课程 
  • 参加挑战 

Above all, your team should be able to develop bonds that help them work better together. Whether that means giving them the opportunity to bond over shared interests or solve a puzzle together, 像这样的团队建设活动既有趣又有益.  

3. How can technology 提高生产率 between individuals and teams? 

你的团队是否充分利用了他们的资源? 是否有其他工具可以帮助他们简化工作流程? Take an audit of the tools and platforms employees use to determine where technical or behavioral improvements can be made.  

You may find that employees need more training on certain platforms to get more out of them. 另外,有些工具可能达不到您的期望. When reviewing your resources, get feedback from internal managers and staff. Since they’re using these tools every day, they have a clear understanding of challenges. 此外,他们可能会就如何改进提出建议. 


对虚拟会议的更多最佳实践感兴趣? Check out these additional recommendations from a former exec at Clorox: 混合式会议的正确运作方式

4. Are meeting practices (in-person and virtual) inclusive and intentional? 

采取“远程优先”的方法往往有助于建立公平, 提高生产率, 建立更强的团队关系. A strong meeting practice is essential to create an inclusive environment.  


  • 为会议设定议程和目的. 
  • 分配角色和职责. 
  • Use technology to create a seamless experience for all attendees – regardless of whether they’re remote or in-person. 
  • 给每个人参与的机会. 

5. 你鼓励并重视原创思想吗? 

保持开放的心态会促进创新、学习和成长. 首先,你需要授权员工畅所欲言. 遵循混合式会议的最佳实践是一个很好的开始. Another way to encourage open sharing of ideas is through creating an open-door (or open-messenger) culture.  

This can reframe fears or anxieties as opportunities in a hybrid workplace. Using different modes of communication to solicit feedback and ideas ensures that all team members get an opportunity to raise their voice. 

Additionally, it’s important to emphasize that all ideas are worthy of sharing. 尽管它们可能并不总是被执行, encouraging people to speak up when they have an idea will create an environment where people feel proud to speak up. 

6. 员工幸福吗? 保持重要? 

在混合365买球中, 我们必须重新思考我们的沟通方式, 支持, 包括我们的员工, 同时保持健康的界限. 而有些公司提供健身中心, 每天交流或者去自助餐厅吃健康的饭菜, hybrid and remote teams must offer different resources to 支持 employee well-being.  

Building camaraderie and maintaining open communication is an essential first step. 一个健全的员工健康计划会让你的团队走向成功. Plus, it’s an attractive benefit that 支持s employee recruitment and retention. 在KGO, we offer employees a monthly stipend to spend on wellness services like gym memberships, 按摩, 补充, 和更多的. 

了解KGO如何在员工生活的各个方面为他们提供支持 员工健康计划

7.Are there spaces in your office where people can focus and collaborate?

当团队成员访问办公室时,他们正在做什么任务? Employees need unique tools and spaces to perform different kinds of work. 例如, what works for a team of eight collaborating on a major project probably won’t be comfortable for an individual employee working on a solo project. Create office environments that provide variety, flexibility, connection, and community 支持. 

阅读我们的 面试 路易丝·汉弗莱斯, 空间说话的创始人和主要所有者, to learn more about how to create flexible work environments for your team. 

8. What are the standard practices for sharing information within and across teams? 

开放的沟通对于混合团队来说是必不可少的. Setting standard practices for communication and information sharing can keep work moving forward even when people are working on an asynchronous schedule. 

Some strategies for facilitating communication in a hybrid team include: 

  • 使用即时通讯平台进行快速沟通 
  • 不要低估记笔记的力量 
  • 花点时间想清楚对方的回答  
  • 明确每种沟通方式的目的 

共享信息和资源可以防止365买球孤岛, 但是组织必须建立一个系统来实现这一点. By setting clear expectations for how to communicate, your team can thrive in a hybrid environment. 


We help companies achieve their business goals with customized hybrid work programs. From decommissioning office space to implementing a workplace strategy playbook, 我们可以指导贵公司完成整个流程. 因此,你将拥有一支富有成效和创造力的团队. 看看其中的一些 真正的商业 房地产 365买球网 we worked on in 2022 to see how we 支持ed a global team in their transition to hybrid work.